Bazaar is a `Slow Manufacturing´ platform that brings together craft and digital culture.
BAZAAR is a platform that combines crafts and digital culture as the innovative concept of Slow Manufacturing: it combines the digital organisation structures of variability, networking, participation with the traditional and personal production model of arts and crafts.
Basing on the metapher of The Cathedral and the Bazaar the oriental bazaar became a symbol for a decentralized, collaborative system within the context of Open Source culture. Many stakeholders constitute a heterogeneous, dynamic and open market and thus provide a stable network for the production, distribution and purchase of products.
"Now, against the rigorous perfection of the machine, the craftsman became an emblem of human individuality..."
Richard Sennett
Basing on three so called `meta-objects´ materialized as serial products in porcelain endless variations of vessels can be generated by means of an online platform - the BAZAAR. Beyond participating in giving shape and choosing materials the focus also lies on creating a personal link between user and producer.

Select original vessel